The garden will be a place that you can come to and smell the flowers, a place that will represent the life well lived by our dear Joseph.

Our Story

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Growing up Joseph was a laid-back little boy. He loved going for walks in his stroller and would say hi to everyone; he continued this trait as an adult. Joseph would start a conversation with everyone he met, especially the ladies (young and old). One of the many reasons we loved him!

Joseph loved family and friends with all his heart. Once he loved you, he was loyal and present in your life.

Joseph was a loving brother, caring uncle, and a good friend- with too many to name. He spent quality time visiting his grandparents, golfing with cousins, running 5k with dear friends, and spending time with his parents.

Joseph was a proud local 1044 union member and worked as a window glazer- the people you see putting windows in high-rise buildings. He did not fear anything!!

A heart is fragile. On May 9th 2017, our lives changed forever; our dear Joseph left this world but never our hearts. That day lives on in our lives like a rerun movie, never ending.  Why couldn’t we stop this from happening? With the support of The Bridge Recovery Center in Malden, the realization came that all we could do for Joseph was love and support him, which we all did.

We wanted to celebrate Joseph’s life, and eventually we agreed that a garden would be a perfect way to share Joseph’s vibrant personality with all that loved him and all who want to know about him.

The garden will be a place that you can come to and smell the flowers, a place that will represent the life well lived by our dear Joseph. We want you all to admire the flowers, read a book, and sit and reflect on how important and fragile life is. Live like today is you last day. We hope you live with love and kindness in your heart and with no regrets.

We choose to celebrate the life that Joseph lived instead of mourning our loss. Joseph lived his life to the fullest and would want us all to do the same.

We miss you Joseph and we love you. You will never be far from us because you live forever in our hearts.

Come and enjoy Joseph’s Garden! A place of celebration, joy, and serenity.

With love, Cindy Robillard

We would be so grateful if you gave to our cause. Please donate here.